As winter arrives we have a number of activities and events that are a must! Join us as we fellowship and study together and join others to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation:
Fellowship and Bible Study: every Wednesday (except the first in the month) we meet for a time of fellowship over a light supper followed by a short Bible study. Venue: various - email for details! Time: 6.30 - 8.30 p.m. Students and Young Professionals's Socials: Friday 20th October; 10th November & 8th December Once a month students and other young (at heart) professionals get together for a time of fellowship, food and discussion. Venue: Kris' apartment. Time: 6.30 - late p.m. Please let Kris (by phone or email) know if you plan to come. Celebratory events for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation: On Sunday 8th October there will be a choral concert in the Lutheran Church at 6.00 pm. The Lutheran Church choir and the Villnius city choir Jauna Muzika will sing Bach's Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - words by Martin Luther) and Handel's Te Deum. Entry is free but come early if you want a seat! On Sunday 22nd October there will be a choral concert in St John's Church at 6.00 pm. The Lumenaria Chorale of Washington, D.C. USA and Symphonic Orchestra will perform Requiem by Paul Leavitt and a cappella works by Rheinbereger and Schütz, spirituals, and other selections . Members of the choir will sing during our morning worship on the 22nd. Looking ahead: Tuesday 1st November: Guided walk around one of the cemeteries to view the candles set out for All Saints Day. Sunday 12th November: 9.30 Service of Remembrance This is an annual event at which we host representatives of the other faith communities and diplomats in Vilnius as we join together in remembering those who have died fighting to secure the freedom we enjoy today. Saturday 18th November: 5.00 p.m. Thanksgiving Dinner. This is our largest social event of the year and open to everyone, not just the church family, so invite your friends! Sunday 17th December: 4.00 p.m. Carol Service Please do also remember to support the Hope Centre by bringing secondhand clothes, or buying some toiletries or mens underwear/socks and leaving them in the box after the Sunday worship. This ministry to those who are homeless or struggling on very low income is especially needed as winter approaches.